NGWA Volunteer Opportunities

NGWA depends on volunteers to help move the groundwater professions forward. The Association has created a set of groups that are purposeful, offer advice to the NGWA Board of Directors, selective in appointing its members, and operate in conjunction with the overall goals of the Association.

Select the way(s) you have an interest in serving NGWA then fill out the application form below. For questions please contact Trisha Freeman at


Volunteers are integral to NGWA’s vitality. NGWA provides opportunities for members to share information and real-world experiences to advance the groundwater professions including, but not limited to:

  • Serving on committees, subcommittees, and task forces
  • Writing articles for our publications
  • Creating questions for NGWA voluntary certification exams
  • Reviewing papers for conferences
  • Presenting at conferences, webinars, short courses, and brown bag sessions
  • Participating in the consensus process for standards development and best suggested practices
  • Being a part of groundwater’s voice to the U.S. national government.

Volunteers must be NGWA members who are willing to:

  • Participate in scheduled meetings
  • Meet deadlines
  • Attend and promote events related to goals
  • Serve as an NGWA representative in the groundwater industry.

Unsure you can be a successful volunteer?

You will definitely positively impact the groundwater professions if you possess the following:

  • Knowledge that can influence the opportunities and goals of NGWA
  • Dedication to improving the groundwater professions and NGWA
  • Desire to enhance your leadership skills
  • Willingness to listen to others’ ideas and views
  • Positive “ready to work” attitude.

What will you get from the experience?

Participating as an NGWA volunteer will give you the:

  • Opportunity to pass on your expertise and knowledge
  • Chance to learn from other leading professionals
  • Ability to make new contacts in your field
  • Chance to work on your leadership skills
  • Ability to impact your industry.

You can directly affect the responsible development, management, and use of the invaluable natural resource of groundwater through the following opportunities.

Association committees

Boards of directors

NGWA also has a set of boards focused on the needs of our membership sections. If you are interested in serving on your section’s board of directors — let us know! Sectional boards include:

Document writing groups

There are also work groups which help craft the Association’s official documents. If you are interested in working with a document writing group — let us know! Document writing groups include:

  • Best suggested practices
  • Certification exam item writing
  • Standard, guidelines
  • White papers, information briefs, position papers.


  • Giving an online presentation, webinar, or short course
  • Groundwater® paper reviewer
  • Groundwater Monitoring & Remediation® paper reviewer
  • Water Well Journal® Editorial Advisory Council

For questions please contact Trisha Freeman at

The NGWA president-elect reviews and approves each opportunity, matching the needs of the committee with the most experienced members. Resumes or written summaries of qualifications are encouraged to be submitted with your committee application. Individuals are not automatically appointed to a position. The committee year runs from convention to convention. A term is three years and you may serve two consecutive terms. Chairs serve for one year of their term, but may be appointed to a second one-year term.