NGWA Press is the publishing imprint of NGWA.
The Association publishes full-length books and information products on groundwater science and technology, water well construction, and other topics related to the groundwater industry.
These items are available for purchase through our online NGWA Bookstore, NGWA-published catalogs, and at industry events such as the annual Ground Water Expo and annual Ground Water Summit.
Writing for NGWA Press
NGWA is always considering new texts and information products. Are you an expert on a groundwater topic? Let us know as NGWA Press publishes first-time authors, as well as seasoned authors.
If you would like to submit a query or proposal letter to NGWA Press for review, please include the following:
- A synopsis; depending on the type of manuscript, the synopsis should include information about the main range of topics
- One sample chapter, which is representative of the total manuscript
- A table of contents listing the chapters and their length
- An introduction to the book
- An estimated word length of your book and the stage of completion of your manuscript
- Information about proposed illustrations or photographs (number planned, black and white or color); do not send original artwork or photographs with your query/proposal, but, if accepted for publishing, be prepared to gather appropriate permissions
and releases to use them using our approved permission form
- An identification of the targeted market
- A list of the books on this topic that are currently in print
- Features that are unique to the proposed book and how it is different from those currently available
- Your qualifications and background in this subject; your resume is helpful, too
- The names and contact information for three qualified peers that can review your manuscript for technical quality and appropriateness; these three reviewers should not be coauthors or employment associates of the present or past
- Tear sheets from previous works if you've been published before.
Send proposals to:
NGWA Press
601 Dempsey Rd.
Westerville, OH 43081
NGWA responds to queries and proposal letters within 30 days.
Multiple submissions are permitted, but must be indicated in the query letter.
NGWA negotiates a contract with each author on an individual basis.
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