Mandatory hook-up is the process by which states, municipalities, or local water authorities require private homeowners to connect to a public waterline and disconnect from a water well or deny the right of the homeowner to drill a water well. Mandatory hook-up laws are almost entirely a local issue and take many forms across the country, such as through state legislation or local building codes. But the outcome of mandatory hook-up is always the same: private homeowners being forced to disconnect their private water well and connect to costly public waterlines at their own expense.
NGWA is opposed to all forms of mandatory hook-up laws and regulations and we strongly advocate for a homeowner’s right to decide how they source their water.
If you are experiencing mandatory hook-up laws in your community, please reach out to the National Ground Water Association and share your story.
Want to learn more about mandatory hook-up and strategies to oppose it? Check out the following resources: