
Managed aquifer recharge (MAR) is the purposeful recharge of water to aquifers for subsequent recovery or for environmental benefit. MAR supports water supply resiliency. MAR is a well-developed groundwater technology increasingly used for water security around the world and across the United States. 

Categories of MAR include:

  • Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) — injection of water into a well for storage in the aquifer and subsequent recovery from the same well
  • Aquifer storage, transfer and recovery (ASTR) —  injection of water into a well for storage in the aquifer and recovery from a different well, generally to provide additional water treatment 
  • Recharge pond or basin  a surface facility, often a large pond, used to increase the infiltration of surface water into a groundwater basin; basins require the presence of permeable soils or sediments at or near the land surface and an unconfined aquifer beneath
  • Other MAR TerminologyClick here for a more complete list of MAR terms.

NGWA MAR Mission, Objectives, and Accomplishments

NGWA supports increasing MAR safely and cost-effectively, and has developed a multicomponent initiative highlighting MAR as an important groundwater technology and  provide useful information to the industry and well owners.

Click here for NGWA MAR Mission statement, Objectives and Accomplishments list.