When reporting on water well construction...
Wells are drilled. Holes are dug.
When reporting your story, unless you are reporting on a water well actually dug with a shovel, wells are typically constructed using advanced and expensive construction equipment technology to drill the borehole and to equip it as a well.
It’s going to be more correct in nearly every instance to report “well drilling” rather than "well digging." Contractors who build wells are "groundwater contractors" or "water well drillers" rather than "well diggers."
Water well defined.
A water well is any test hole or other excavation into the Earth that is drilled, cored, bored, washed, fractured, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed when intended use of such excavation is for the location, monitoring, dewatering, observation,
diversification, artificial recharge, or acquisition of groundwater or for conducting pumping equipment or aquifer tests. It may be open (uncased and unscreened) or a portion may be cased or screened.