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2025 NGWA and WQA Fly-In

March 25-26, 2025

The National Ground Water Association and the Water Quality Association are hosting a two-day Water Resources Congressional Summit in Washington, D.C., to bring awareness to drinking water challenges and solutions across the country.

The event connects attendees with key decision-makers in Congressional offices, government agencies, and departments to foster better working relationships and understanding.


  • March 25 – Convene in Hamilton Square. NGWA and WQA will gather with some of the top regulatory officials working on water issues to discuss issues, ask questions and learn strategies to better advocate for the industry. A reception that evening allows members, regulators and lawmakers to get to know each other better.
  • March 26 – Members will meet with their Senators, Representatives or top office staff on Capitol Hill to discuss issues impacting the industry.


  • Early Bird Registration: $200 (Ends February 3rd)
  • Registration: $250 (Ends March 4th)

Click here to learn more and register.