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June 9- 11, 2025
Location: Westerville, Ohio
CEUs: 24
Education level: Introductory to intermediate (with a groundwater background)
The focus of this course is groundwater sampling for environmental questions. Designed for both early career groundwater professionals and those desiring a practical refresher, this hands-on course will aid you in developing skills necessary to perform quality work in the field. The course emphasizes three integral parts: planning and preparation focusing on the project objectives; hands-on exercises related to groundwater and soil sampling; data management and analysis focused on project goals.
The first day will focus on regulatory structure, developing sampling plans and preparing for field activities. The second day will be hands-on field activities demonstrating multiple approaches to groundwater sampling, soil sampling with hand equipment and techniques for collecting and shipping samples. The final day will focus on coordinating with laboratories, data interpretation and presentation, and reporting.
Field and classroom exercises will include:
- Developing and implementing a sampling plan
- Preparing for field sampling activities
- Groundwater sampling techniques demonstrating various techniques and processes
- Well sampling demonstrations and hands-on activities
- Soil sampling and screening using conventional hand equipment and field meters
- Soil sampling to identify source areas
- Sample management and shipping protocols
- Data reduction and data analysis
- Data quality assessment
- PFAS sampling considerations.
Classroom instruction will address:
- Overview of appropriate groundwater sampling techniques and their applicability to regulatory requirements
- Sampling in conformance to regulatory program requirements
- Importance of the site conceptual model
- Data evaluation, presentation and assessment
- Reporting strategies.
Who should attend:
- Practicing professionals who need/want to refresh their skills
- Recent graduates with hydrology/hydrogeology/geology degrees
- Graduate students who wish to enhance their skills
- Those pursuing a bachelor’s degree who have already had a hydrogeology course.
Early Fee Structure (by May 23):
- Member/Government-$1,250
- Student Member/Early Career Member-$1,050
- Non-member-$1,400
Late Fee Structure (beginning May 24):
- Member/Government-$1,350
- Student Member/Early Career Member-$1,150
- Non-member-$1,500
Registration includes a lunch provided daily. Team discounts up to 10 percent available for three or more participants from the same organization.
NGWA headquarters
601 Dempsey Road
Westerville, Ohio 43081
(800) 551-7379
(614) 898-7791
You will need to secure your own overnight accommodations. To access a listing of hotels in the Westerville, Ohio, area, click here to get started.