NGWA announces 2022 industry award winners

August 23, 2022

NGWA congratulates the recipients of its 2022 Awards of Excellence, Outstanding Groundwater Project Awards, and Sectional Awards, which will be presented this December during Groundwater Week in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Long-time NGWA member David Henrich CWD/PI, CVCLD, is the recipient of NGWA’s most prestigious award, the Ross L. Oliver Award for outstanding contributions to the groundwater industry. Henrich is president of Bergerson-Caswell Inc. in Maple Plain, Minnesota. Henrich served as NGWA president in 2018 and chose the mantra “Better Together” as the theme of his presidency.

Additional 2022 NGWA award recipients follow.

Awards of Excellence

  • Dr. Peter Dillon of Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec in Adelaide, South Australia — M. King Hubbert Award
  • Scott King, PG, P.Geo., LHG, of Wood Environment & Infrastructure Solutions in Buffalo, New York — Robert Storm Intersectional Cooperation Award
  • Scott Andres of the Delaware Geological Survey (semiretired) in Newark, Delaware — Life Member Award
  • Dora Taggart of Microbial Insights in Knoxville, Tennessee — Technology Award
  • Mark Kelly, U.S. Senator, Arizona — Groundwater Protector Award
  • David Lipson, Ph.D., PG, of HRS Water Consultants Inc. in Lakewood, Colorado — Standard Bearer Award

Outstanding Groundwater Project Awards

  • Daniel B Stephens & Associates Inc. — Hopi CARES Water Supply Project — Groundwater Supply
  • LRE Water — Terry Ranch Project — Groundwater Supply
  • 4B Engineering and Consulting LLC — City of Keizer Risk and Resilience Assessment — Groundwater Protection
  • Arizona Department of Environmental Quality — Expedited Site Characterization and Remediation of PFAS in Groundwater Protects City of Tucson Drinking Water Wellfield — Groundwater Remediation
  • Illinois State Water Survey at the University of Illinois — The Private Well Class — Groundwater Awareness

Sectional Awards

  • Stewart Krause of Wyo-Ben Inc. in Billings, Montana — Manufacturers Section Special Recognition Award
  • Oscar and Christine LaBorde (posthumously) of Wholesale Pump & Supply in Shreveport, Louisiana — Supplier of the Year
Read more about NGWA awards, which honor the best of the best in the groundwater industry, at