President’s Science and Technology Advisory Council responds to America’s groundwater challenges

November 4, 2024

The President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) met in Washington D.C., on November 1 to discuss its evaluation of “America’s Groundwater Challenges” and provide recommendations on addressing those challenges.

The PCAST based its recommendations on a series of public meetings around the country and then a request for comment to which NGWA responded in July.

PCAST, a federal advisory committee of non-federal members from industry, academia, and nonprofit organizations, recognized that the federal government has a limited role in managing groundwater. The recommendations focused on actions the federal government could take to support response to the urgency in groundwater sufficiency and quality for national security of water supply and food production.

Public meetings pointed to the general populace being under-informed and under-educated about groundwater, local problems, and workforce shortage. Also noted was a lack of groundwater data and at the local level difficulty in obtaining and using groundwater data.

Questions that PCAST focused on were:

  • How can the federal government help state and local water managers?
  • What research is needed to safeguard water security and sustainability?
  • What incentives can the federal government provide to address groundwater quality and availability challenges?

Recommendations were:

  1. Establish an interagency group on groundwater security and sustainability with the U.S. Geological Survey as lead as the agency is recognized for trusted data and develop tools to sustainably manage groundwater to mitigate depletion
  2. Advance technology and strategies for a comprehensive groundwater research program, including to increase managed aquifer recharge (MAR) and linkages between water and food safety and security
  3. Establish federal incentives for a network of groundwater engagement ‘hubs’ for people to get information on groundwater locally and to support planning and decision making for sustainable groundwater use, with a critical need by tribal nations
  4. Provide competitive grants to incentivize planning and sustainable management and restoration of aquifers and recharge opportunities
  5. Launch recruitment, development, and retention efforts for a workforce skilled in the many aspects of groundwater management and use.

All five recommendations respond to comments that NGWA submitted to the Advisory Council in July.

The PCAST report will be available later in November when delivered to President Joe Biden. Click here to watch the recording of the November meeting.