Terry Christine, partner in Jackson Geothermal, has been in the drilling industry for several decades. In 1978, Jackson and Sons Drilling and Pump Co. was founded by Dan and Nora Jackson as a family-owned and -operated water well business. In 1998, their oldest son Jim purchased the company and started Jackson Geothermal. He grew Jackson Geothermal to being the largest family-owned and -operated geothermal and drilling company in the country having 15 drill rigs running all the time and 60-pllus employees. In the early 2000s, Jackson Geothermal covered the entire United States, drilling both commercial and residential geothermal. Having started in the drilling industry in 1992, Christine became an employee at Jackson Geothermal in 2000. In 2015, Christine and Jackson became partners and are still running Jackson Geothermal together to this day.